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Find and Make Time for It!



I have been itching to write. Not sure why. I don’t have anything of great importance to share with the world. Nor do I have anything I feel the need to pontificate on. I really don’t think I’m the “pontificating” kind, anyway.

In my WordPress drafts folder there are currently 42 blog posts I have written and never published! I have struggled with one thing for a very long time.  Since I started blogging several years ago, I’ve thought about this one question over and over….am I really a “Mommy Blogger”?

I have found that just about every mom, and especially every special needs mom, seems to have a blog. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I absolutely love it. I feel it’s important that we share with the world just how incredible our children are and raise awareness!  That we are indeed, Differently the Same!  And more importantly, share our journey with each other so that we can learn valuable lessons from other’s life experiences.

As a Mommy Blogger, what I haven’t wanted, is to fall victim to the criticism that inevitably comes from some followers. I have seen it time and time again as I have followed several well-known mommy blogs over the years. There are even crazy chat rooms like, Get Off My Internets, that do one thing.  Attack blogs and especially, mommy blogs.  I don’t want my family put under a microscope. I love them far too much. We are, after all,  just your ordinary American family. There’s a loving mom and dad, three great kids,  a very large loyal dog and a cute cat. All living in a home that looks very much like all the others in our neighborhood. Question is:  Do people really want to read about what our family is doing day in and day out?  Where we travel?



How we are celebrating birthdays and holidays?





I don’t know. It could get a bit boring.


And my goal is not to bore my readers to death.  I’d much rather entertain them as I would a guest in my home.

When I was in high school I wrote for our school newspaper. My senior year I was offered a journalism scholarship to the college I was headed to in the fall. Back in the day, as an immature 18 year old, I turned down the scholarship. Why? Because how was I suppose to have a social life if I was constantly worrying about deadlines?  Looking back I’m surprised my parents gave me that choice. After all, it would’ve saved them money!  If I could go back in time, I’d take that scholarship in a heartbeat!  Twenty years later, I can tell you, it wouldn’t have impacted my life as a college coed one iota. I share this story with you for one simple reason. I love to write! Nothing should stop me from doing what I love. Not criticism {which one can learn from}. Not the fact I’d be classified as just another mommy blogger. If  writing is my passion, I shouldn’t let anything stop me. Here’s the bottomline, the one and only thing stopping me right now is….myself.

I will continue to write as a mommy blogger in bloggingland. Hopefully, what I decide to share will uplift, inspire and help another. Ultimately, I hope it’ll bring smiles and even laughter, at times, to my readers.


I will try my hardest to write more often. Sometimes, as a busy mom, it’s hard to find the time.  But since it’s something I genuinely love to do, I need to find and make time for it.


There are people who love to run. I know this because I see them running  through my neighborhood daily.  There are people who love to play musical instruments and pull them out often and make magnificent music. There are people who love to help others and spend their days volunteering.  There are those who love gardening and spend their days turning their yards into an oasis. There are those who love to cook and bake. You can find these people in their kitchens happily creating culinary delights for family and friends.


Whatever it is you really love to do, find and make time for it.  Daily. Even if you are busy! It’s good for the soul. Ultimately, it’ll make you a better, happier person.

Writing does that for me.

Happy Hump Day!

What do you love to do and need to find more time for? I’d love to hear.

{Photo Credits||Pictures of quotes came from Pinterest. The Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook cover came from her website which you can find here}.

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