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The Opposite of Not Writing

I haven’t blogged in almost a year!! In fact, I almost let my yearly WordPress dues lapse a couple months ago. 24 hours before this blog, Differently the Same would’ve been deleted, I paid my bill. After all, I didn’t want to lose anything. Over the past eleven months, I have sat down to write on several occasions, but then stopped myself after a paragraph or two. Every time I’d start, I’d quit. Simply because I immediately questioned my intentions.  “Lisa, what are you doing? You’re not a blogger”. Then close my computer and find something else to cross off on my mile-long “To Do List”.  I’ve dealt with this raging internal battle, daily it seems. I’m sick of fighting it. So, I’ve decided to simply ignore those negative thoughts. Shut them out. They are no longer welcome. Ultimately, I love to write. If not a single person reads what I’ve written here, that’s perfectly fine. I’m doing what I love and that’s all that matters. Every day I think about writing. Stories stream through my mind. Rather than refusing to acknowledge that burning desire, I’m giving into it. Finally. Image may be NSFW.
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Currently on my summer reading list is the book, “The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories” by Marina Keegan. Image may be NSFW.
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I’m absolutely loving this book. The stories she shares have struck a chord deep within my soul. Marina,  is a young college co-ed full of wisdom.  Sadly, she died far too young in a tragic auto accident before she had the chance to have her work published. What she wrote and left behind for her readers has moved me. Marina Keegan’s words have encouraged me, even at 40, to stop being a quitter. Here are a couple excerpts from her book that have motivated me to return to writing in this space I call, “Differently the Same”. “We’re our own hardest critics and it’s easy to let ourselves down…Procrastinating.” For one, I’m a pro at procrastinating. I’ll write…later. I’ll do the laundry….later. Organize my house…later. This is only stopping me from accomplishing great things in life. I need to change “later” into “NOW”! Now I choose to write. Writing fulfills a profound need I have.

I find I keep over-analyzing this blog. What to share with my readers.  Do I focus on topics which Inspire? Help? Educate? Entertain? I want this to be a place readers enjoy escaping to. A place they find upbeat and fun. I love fun. I guess what I decide to share here will come to me along the way in my blogging journey.  The bottom-line is, I’ll be changing things up a little–because this time–I’m sticking around! Marina said it best, “We have these impossibly high standards and we’ll probably never live up to our perfect fantasies of our future selves”. Yes, I’m guilty of that too. Placing high standards on myself. All. The. Time. I feel the silly need to be a perfectionist. If it’s not perfect writing, I won’t write. What is “perfect writing” anyway? It’s both crazy and comical that I think up these things. But somehow, someway they creep into my thoughts and cripple me from accomplishing lifelong goals and dreams. Instead, I need to simply remember that I can still do anything. It’s never too late. Never. Ever. Ever. Image may be NSFW.
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I’m going to write. Here. Often. And it feels oh so good.

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