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I feel like I have drawn a blank. Writers block, I guess. I think the best remedy for that is to just dive in and see where my thoughts take me. So here it goes. This post may make zero sense. Or complete sense. Let’s see. Perhaps the music I’m listening to on Spotify will help get me into a groove. Last night before I crashed, I watched the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon in bed with my husband–fully reclined in our Sleep Number bed. Here we are in our prime and acting like old farts. But damn that thing is comfortable and one of our best investments to date. It takes relaxing at the end of a busy day to a whole new level. So–if you have ever thought about buying a Sleep Number bed, just do it. Worth every penny. Back to Jimmy Fallon. The episode we were watching was the one with Adam Levine from Maroon 5 as his guest promoting their new album, V. So, in case you were wondering, that’s what I’m listening to right now. Taking this new music for a test drive. I love music and the louder, the better. Especially in the car, because then it just feels like one big concert. You know you listen to your music too loud when your children say, “Geesh Mom! That’s way too loud! Turn it down!” It probably should be the other way around. Me telling them that.
I’ll pretty much listen to anything. But I certainly have my favorites. Muse, for me, NEVER gets old. I could listen to them night and day. My favorite Muse album is Live at Rome Olympic Stadium. It takes me back to the first concert I went to of theirs. Such truly talented musicians and performers. What an amazing show they put on for their fans.
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I can’t wait for them to release a new album so we can see them on tour again. Once upon a time, we kidnapped our own children and took them to a Muse concert in Arizona. We rushed into their bedrooms early one March Saturday morning and told them they were being kidnapped. They had to follow our directions without asking any questions. We had them hop in the car–completely unaware of where we were headed. Funny thing is, they kept saying, “this better be worth it!” My husband and I would glance at each other and just silently laugh to ourselves. We reassured the kids that it’d be “more than worth it!” Along with the promise that it was something they would never forget.
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Clik here to view.As soon as we reached a stretch of deserted desert, we pulled off the freeway. We’d tortured them long enough and it was time for the BIG reveal. The kids were told to get out of the car. While the song, Unsustainable was blaring away, we presented each of our children with an envelope holding their concert ticket and a gift bag with a Muse concert t-shirt {I had bought ahead of time online}.
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That moment will go down in Bluemel history as pretty freak’n epic. They were stunned, shocked and Katie cried because she was so excited. After all, this was our girls’ first concert, ever. Gary and I wanted to make sure that when we took our two little ladies to their first concert, it’d be one they’d never forget. This was it! Rocking out to Muse with the kids was more fun than going to Disneyland, and I love the happiest place on earth. There’s no doubt in my mind we’ll be at every concert of theirs from here on out!
I’m thankful to have a husband who is an audio-file and has taught me all that I know about various artists and genres of music. My appreciation for good music runs much deeper now because of him. It’s such a powerful force in our home and lives. I loved it this morning when I heard Katie’s alarm go off to wake her up for school and it was a song from Frozen. Our eyes flicker open to start a new day with the help of some killer beats boosting us out of bed. It puts us in good spirits and is truly the perfect way to start the day. I find I’m far more productive when I have music playing in the background. Last night while I was cleaning up the kitchen, I asked Eric to be my DJ. He has such good music taste for his age. Yes, I even love listening to my teenagers music.
This morning on my way home from dropping the kids off at school, I saw a man walking down the sidewalk toward the bus stop with his headphones on and singing along. He didn’t care if he was a good singer or if people saw him rock’n out in public. He was in his happy place. That’s what music is for. To take you on a journey to your happy place.
Plato once said, “I would teach children music, physicas and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning.” His philosophy was right on the money. It’s been proven that listening to classical music can help students achieve higher test scores. I’ll never forget the nerdy math teacher I had in high school. He taught our algebra lessons with classical music playing at a low volume. Then when we were testing, he’d play that same classical music. Guess what? The girl {me} who got C’s and D’s in math–suddenly started getting A’s! No. JOKE! It really does work! I even have report cards to prove it!
Music serves a variety of needs in our daily lives.
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There’s even music therapy, which is recognized as an established health profession. As a therapeutic tool, it’s been proven scientifically to:
- Lessen the effects of dementia
- Aid with pain management
- Improve speech in individuals living with Special Needs like Autism and Down syndrome
- Improve sleep patterns and weight gain in premature babies
- Improve motor function in those living with Parkinson’s Disease
- And much, much more….
Simply put, music heals people. It soothes the soul. Music can make a bad day better or a great day even greater.
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I see people singing in their cars all the time–making the horrific traffic we have here in Southern California a bit more bearable. Everyone who walks and runs around the park closest to our home, are plugged into their favorite exercise playlists. And I never tire of hearing our gardeners singing along to their spanish music blasting from small boom boxes while working on our yard.
Music is everywhere. It puts life into our days. What are you listening to?
Here are some favorites from my Spotify playlists. Songs that, more often than not, end up on repeat.
- Amy Winehouse: Back to Black and Love is a Losing Game
- Robert Cray: Hold On
- Trey Anatasio: Clint Eastwood and Architect
- Capital Cities: Safe and Sound
- Neal Casal: White Fence Round House
- Tedeschi Trucks Band: It’s So Heavy
- Apollo: Timekeeper
- John Legend: All of Me
- Zakk Wylde: The Color Green
- JJ Grey I Mofro: The Truth
- Muse: Starlight, Hysteria, Survival, Explorers {my all time favorite}
- Eminem: The Monster
- Zedd: Stay the Night, Clarity
- The Black Keys: Lonely Boy
- Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
- Neil Young: Heart of Gold
- Incubus: Drive
- Kansas: Carry on Wayward Son
- Extreme: More than Words
- Pearl Jam: Even Flow
- Eric Clapton: Blue Eyes Blue, Tears in Heaven, {I} Get Lost, Somewhere Over the Rainbow {all his songs}
- Adele: Turning Tables
- Hardwell: Spaceman-
- Lupe Fiasco: Battle Scars
- Carrie Underwood: Mama’s Song
- Indy Musician Mindy Gledhill
Clearly I’m not picky and I’ll listen to everything from rock to country. I love it all. I recently came across this great quote–I really hope this is true….
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Music. It’s the soundtrack of your life.
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{And just like that, my case of writers block is unblocked–and wouldn’t you know it–through the power of music!}
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